
4 items
    1. CHANEL Lambskin Evening In the Air Bag BlueCHANEL Lambskin Evening In the Air Bag Blue

      Chanel Lambskin Evening In the Air Bag Blue

      Condition: Excellent


    2. CHANEL Iridescent Alligator Jumbo Double Flap Light GreyCHANEL Iridescent Alligator Jumbo Double Flap Light Grey

      Chanel Iridescent Alligator Jumbo Double Flap Light Grey

      Condition: Shows Wear


    3. CHANEL Alligator Jumbo Double Flap BlackCHANEL Alligator Jumbo Double Flap Black

      Chanel Alligator Jumbo Double Flap Black

      Condition: Shows Wear


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