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4 items
  • Filters.brands: Khaite
  1. KHAITE Smooth Calfskin Alessia Hobo WhiteKHAITE Smooth Calfskin Alessia Hobo White

    Khaite Smooth Calfskin Alessia Hobo White

    Condition: Shows Wear


  2. KHAITE Pebbled Sport Calfskin Studded Small Elena BlackKHAITE Pebbled Sport Calfskin Studded Small Elena Black

    Khaite Pebbled Sport Calfskin Studded Small Elena Black

    Condition: Excellent


  3. KHAITE Calfskin Banded Florence Tote CreamKHAITE Calfskin Banded Florence Tote Cream

    Khaite Calfskin Banded Florence Tote Cream

    Condition: Shows Wear


  4. KHAITE Raffia Calfskin Osa Medium Tote Natural BlackKHAITE Raffia Calfskin Osa Medium Tote Natural Black

    Khaite Raffia Calfskin Osa Medium Tote Natural Black

    Condition: Shows Wear


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