
Shop ultra-luxury tote bags at FASHIONPHILE from Prada, Gucci, Saint Laurent, Hermes and more. All your favorite styles from top designer brands are 100% authenticated by our brand experts. Build your handbag collection at FASHIONPHILE with our curated collection of ultra-luxury pre-owned tote bags.
34 items
  • Filters.brands: Balenciaga
  1. BALENCIAGA Agneau Classic Hardware City AnthraciteBALENCIAGA Agneau Classic Hardware City Anthracite

    Balenciaga Agneau Classic Hardware City Anthracite

    Condition: Shows Wear


  2. BALENCIAGA Agneau Giant 12 Silver Hardware Part Time MangueBALENCIAGA Agneau Giant 12 Silver Hardware Part Time Mangue

    Balenciaga Agneau Giant 12 Silver Hardware Part Time Mangue

    Condition: Shows Wear


  3. BALENCIAGA Calfskin Papier Mini A4 Tote Vert EmeraudeBALENCIAGA Calfskin Papier Mini A4 Tote Vert Emeraude

    Balenciaga Calfskin Papier Mini A4 Tote Vert Emeraude

    Condition: Shows Wear


  4. BALENCIAGA Agneau Classic Hardware City Vert SaugeBALENCIAGA Agneau Classic Hardware City Vert Sauge

    Balenciaga Agneau Classic Hardware City Vert Sauge

    Condition: Shows Wear


  5. BALENCIAGA Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote BlackBALENCIAGA Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote Black

    Balenciaga Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote Black

    Condition: Worn


  6. BALENCIAGA  Calfskin XS Everyday Tote BlackBALENCIAGA  Calfskin XS Everyday Tote Black

    Balenciaga  Calfskin XS Everyday Tote Black

    Condition: Shows Wear


  7. BALENCIAGA Calfskin Hourglass Zip Tote BlackBALENCIAGA Calfskin Hourglass Zip Tote Black

    Balenciaga Calfskin Hourglass Zip Tote Black

    Condition: Shows Wear


  8. BALENCIAGA Calfskin Logo Embossed Small Tool 2.0 North-South Tote BlackBALENCIAGA Calfskin Logo Embossed Small Tool 2.0 North-South Tote Black

    Balenciaga Calfskin Logo Embossed Small Tool 2.0 North-South Tote Black

    Condition: Excellent


  9. BOTTEGA VENETA Raffia Large Ibiza Basket Bag FuchsiaBOTTEGA VENETA Raffia Large Ibiza Basket Bag Fuchsia

    Balenciaga Raffia Large Ibiza Basket Bag Fuchsia

    Condition: New


  10. BALENCIAGA Veau Papier B4 Zip Around ToteBALENCIAGA Veau Papier B4 Zip Around Tote

    Balenciaga Veau Papier B4 Zip Around Tote

    Condition: Shows Wear


  11. BALENCIAGA Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote BlackBALENCIAGA Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote Black

    Balenciaga Calfskin XXS Everyday Tote Black

    Condition: Shows Wear


  12. BALENCIAGA Glitter Faux Calfskin XXS Bistro Basket PinkBALENCIAGA Glitter Faux Calfskin XXS Bistro Basket Pink

    Balenciaga Glitter Faux Calfskin XXS Bistro Basket Pink

    Condition: Excellent


  13. BALENCIAGA Smooth Calfskin Medium Mary Kate Tote TaupeBALENCIAGA Smooth Calfskin Medium Mary Kate Tote Taupe

    Balenciaga Smooth Calfskin Medium Mary Kate Tote Taupe

    Condition: Shows Wear


  14. BALENCIAGA Cotton Canvas Calfskin S Navy Cabas Naturel Gris AcierBALENCIAGA Cotton Canvas Calfskin S Navy Cabas Naturel Gris Acier

    Balenciaga Cotton Canvas Calfskin S Navy Cabas Naturel Gris Acier

    Condition: Excellent


  15. BALENCIAGA Smooth Calfskin Mary Kate Tote TaupeBALENCIAGA Smooth Calfskin Mary Kate Tote Taupe

    Balenciaga Smooth Calfskin Mary Kate Tote Taupe

    Condition: Shows Wear


  16. BALENCIAGA Varnished Faux Calfskin Braided XS Bistro Basket Pale YellowBALENCIAGA Varnished Faux Calfskin Braided XS Bistro Basket Pale Yellow

    Balenciaga Varnished Faux Calfskin Braided XS Bistro Basket Pale Yellow

    Condition: Excellent


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